It’s a tradition in our household. Every February 2nd we watch the movie “Groundhog Day”. The story is rather simple. Having dedicated much of his adulthood to expressing his dissatisfaction with his station in life through sarcasm and snide comments, Phil Connors finds himself at an impasse. He keeps living the same day over and over. Phil cycles through periods of fear, apathy, self-destruction, and finally settles in a lifestyle based on behaviors of helpfulness, self-enrichment, and valuing others. In one notable scene, Phil catches a child who falls from a tree. Since he has lived the same day again and again, Phil knows exactly when to arrive on the scene to catch the falling boy. Exasperated, Phil scolds the boy who simply runs from his rescuer, “You have never thanked me.” ... [Read More]
With Thanks – Printable Tags
Motivation Mini-Cards Create a Positive Environment
A recent study out of the University of Warwick concluded that people are more productive when they are happy. 12% more productive, to be precise. I would like to be 12% more productive, if only to rate 12% more sleep time. Is that wrong? At Google, we know that health, family and wellbeing are an important aspect of Googlers’ lives. We have also noticed that employees who are happy ... demonstrate increased motivation ... [We] ... work to ensure that Google is... an emotionally healthy place to work. Lara Harding, People Programs Manager, Google. Supporting our people must begin at the most fundamental level – their physical and mental health and well- being. It is only from strong foundations that they can handle ... complex issues. Matthew Thomas, Manager – Employee Relations, ... [Read More]
Natural Orange & Cinnamon Air Freshener
When we first entered the boy’s dorm room, before we moved anything from our car into his new space, we noticed the smell. It was not terribly overpowering, but resembled what my husband refers to as, “teenage boy smell”. The boy is the one who said something first. “Do you think you could bring me an air freshener? This room kind of smells”. I knew I had a challenge, as the boy is like me and doesn’tcare for chemical-filled perfumed artificial scents. When added to a smelly space, you are left to breathe a combination of stinky air and perfumed air. Double yuck! Additionally, my go-to scented candles were not an option, as candles are not permitted in the dorm rooms. ... [Read More]
How to Create a Positive Environment to Inspire a Positive Mind
My Mom regularly reminded us kids, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Once we expressed our feelings, we were done. We were not permitted to “admire the problem”. Instead, we were expected to seek out the positive, search for a solution, or “ignore him and he will stop”. By the way, does that actually work? I think that phrase may have been code for, “I’m not intervening, nor am I interested in listening to you two bicker any more.” I’m not sure, but I think so. Anyway … ... [Read More]
How Thoughtful Thank You Gifts are Making the World a Better Place
Okay, maybe the title is a bit dramatic, but a thoughtful thank you gift certainly has the potential to make the recipient’s world a better place. Read on. I’ll prove my case. The gift I created could serve a number of purposes: birthday, Christmas, bridal shower, housewarming, even Groundhog Day. It’s not bound to any specific occasion. However, I crafted this gift as a gesture of gratitude. I wanted to say, “Thank you for welcoming me as your houseguest.” “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone." -G.B. Stern ... [Read More]
Gift Tags for All Occasions – Printable Set
Sometimes I get carried away I will admit it. If I like a shirt, I might buy it in three colors. Instead of choosing just one, I own the entire series of a particular set of Basque figurines. I like shoes … a lot. I’ll leave that one alone. On this particular occasion my tendency to get carried away resulted in a benefit for YOU! I set out to create a tag for a thank you gift. Within a couple of hours, I designed a printable set of gift tags for all occasions. ... [Read More]